Sample Workshops for Parent Groups
- Talking with Your Child From Day 1: How Communication Helps Build Relationships
- The Terrific, Tumultuous Two's: Living with Your Toddler
- Limit Setting and the Development of Self-Esteem
- Aggression in Our Children: Coping with it Effectively
- Attachment and Separation: Understanding Early Childhood
- The "Over-Programmed" Child: What Your Child DOES NOT Need to Be Happy
- How Children Learn (Newborn to 8 Years)
- Explore the Myths, Facts, and Fantasies of Adoption: Preparing to Tell the Story
- Adoption Talk: Developing a Dialogue with your School-age Child
- Building Relationships with Children Adopted Later, from Foster Care or Other Countries
- For Parents about to Travel to Adopt: Attachment and Separation: Nurturing Relationships
- As We Grow: New Phases, New Questions
We can tailor our training to meet your needs.
Contact us for detailed information, fees, and scheduling: Our hourly fee varies according to the type of agency, its funding sources, and the audience addressed.
Elaine Frank, MSW * Denise Rowe, BA